The only fucking thing that can save us
Remember 9-11? Think you're safe? Think nuclear, chump. You are in for it. This administration is in such deep shit, with war trials facing all of us, and things falling apart faster than you wrap a suicide bomb around your waist, that there is nothing that can save the three of us now except another fantastic terror attack on the US. I don't know what's taking them so long, in fact. Are they fucking stupid? Like it's hard to enter the country with a few bombs? Hello, have you heard of the Canadian border? Have you heard about container ships? We got idiots standing around in their stocking feet at airports all over the world and you think that's doing something? Shit for brains. We stirred up the ragheads to the point where there's nothing they can do but attack us over here. So where are they? We're waiting. We NEED another attack. Bring 'em on. Another attack and the stupid public rallies around their drooling old Moron of a president, and out the window go whatever is left of the Constitution. Come on, you guys. Get with the program. I want an attack and I want it NOW.
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