Saturday, June 24, 2006

Drink this and you'll grow a brain

You know what pisses me off? This fucking moron is going to go down in history as the worst president we've ever had. He'll be reviled forever as the man who destroyed the economy and the environment, who made the entire world hate us, and also completely fucked up the country. In fact, there's nothing he touched that he didn't leave worse than when he found it. Now fucking where am I in all that? Why does he get all the glory? I did all the work. Whose idea was invading Iraq? MINE. Whose idea was leaving New Orleans out in the rain? MINE. Whose idea was tax cutting the economy into shitloads of national debt? MINE. Whose idea was torturing prisoners? Thowing people in secret jails? Drilling in Alaska? Tapping everybody's phones? Looking at their bank accounts? MINE. MINE. MINE. This cretinous little fruitcake wouldn't know a good idea if it bit his dick off. You think this is fair? It sure as fuck is not.


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