Thursday, June 29, 2006

Who the fuck ARE these people?

Do they have no fucking brains at all? I am so fucking amazed that no matter how much we screw up, no matter what we do--thirty percent of the country still says we're doing a fine job. Are they completely utterly fucking nuts? Everything we do is ILLEGAL. Everything. And they don't care. I shot somebody in the face, for christ's sake. True, it was a lawyer. But, still, a human. Well, never mind. Bad example. But you get the idea. What would it take, do you think, for that thirty percent to turn? Frankly, I can't think of a goddamn thing bad enough that we haven't already done. We've destroyed the economy. We've turned the entire world against us. We've made the world infinitely more dangerous. We've destroyed the environment. We say that black is white, with a completely straight face, and then attack anyone that points out black might actually be black. We tried to keep a braindead corpse alive in Florida. We stole two elections. We're destroying science. We're against evolution, for fuck's sake. We say global warming doesn't exist.
We destroyed New Orleans. How stupid can this thirty percent be? How do they get dressed in the morning? How do they feed themselves? Are they all completely drunk all the fucking time? Oh what the fuck difference does it make? We got 'em. They ours. Til death do us fucking part.


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