Saturday, July 29, 2006

They should take this act on the fucking road

What is going on with Tony fucking Blair? Is he on drugs? Does Junior do some hoohaa voodoo thing on him to get him to roll over every time he's in town? What is this fuckwit on? What is the story with this relationship? Dipshit is a drooling retard compared to Blair. And Blair just nods and blows air kisses. I don't fucking get it. But what the hell do I care. It gets me what I want. Now, the UfuckingK is as hated as we are, and what do they get out of it? Nada, Lord Fuckface, big fullyloaded nothing. It's getting clear now there's nothing we won't sink to, and with Tonyboy hanging around to bless the bombs, at least we can say we got company as we destroy the fucking world. I must admit, though, this is getting a little out of hand. Oh, well.


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