Does anybody know this asshole?
Okay okay, there's been a lot going on lately. . You think I fucking don't know that? You got McCain pissing all over himself, you got Hillary back from the dead, and you got Obama preaching to the perverted, and you got Bear fucking Sterns down the shitter, you got Bushwick doing the softshoe and making jokes about the economy, you got a fucking depression facing you in the face, and then there's Anthony fucking Mingella dropping dead. Then comes the capper, the piece of fucking resistance, the Eiffel Tower, you got a fucking construction worker hanging himself at Mel Gibson's house. Am I out of my fucking mind here? I'm trying to take it easy. I've had forty two heart attacks, for fucks sake. So I'm backing off, we're heading to the end of term, nothing much is going to get done, I'm throwing a few brewski's down my neck and having a few onion rings. You know what I mean? I'm relaxing, I'm hanging out, I"m going weeks without killing somebody. And then this. It fucking put me over the edge. Mel, Mel, Mel, what the fuck are we gonna do with you?