Saturday, February 23, 2008

It's Diana W. Ross and the fucking Supremes

Is he out of his fucking mind? The economy is in the tank, McCain is fucking his wife's twin sister, Castro is dead and he's in fucking AFRICA? Was I some fucking terrible monster in a previous life or something? Is this my punishment? Having to pay attention to Braindead Jr here. Shit. It's been the longest eight years of my fucking life. Jesus, he's stupid. He is so stupid, look, this is how fucking stupid he is. Look at him. He thinks they like him. He thinks they think he's fun. He thinks they want to fuck him. Oh. My. God. Do you think he'd really stay there? He does think that Sherriff's badge is a President's pin on crown or something. He thinks he's President of Rowanda. What am I going to do? What next?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Shark bait Scheider "dead" at 75

He was scrawny but he was mean, that weasely little fuck. Naturally I was hoping the shark would eat that whole fucking little FuckHamptons town for breakfast but no, old thin Roy to the rescue. What a putz. And did you get a load of him in Marathon Man? Dead on the dorm room floor five minutes into the movie. Some part, Roy. Fire your agent. Oh, too late, you're DEAD. You want to talk shark, Jazz boy? You are talking to the biggest hungriest fucking shark you'll ever come across, and I mean me, the Jaws of Death, Dr. DoNothing, the Angel of Shit. They don't call me dick for nothing. Boom boom. Boom boom.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Mararishi von Horse shit dead at who the fuck cares

Sometimes I can't fucking believe my eyes. Who in christ would give this drug addled moron the time of fucking day? Look at him. Look at that face. What the fuck were those Beatles thinking? It was that fucking Harrison. I never trusted that fuck. Too fucking spiritual. Fucking fag. Lennon was too fucked up on skank to know where the fuck he was. Oh yeah, it was Harrison. He dragged them all into it. Give peace a chance. Oh, right. That'll fucking work.
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