Saturday, August 30, 2008

Walnuts finds another nutcase

I have to hand it to McBush, it was a brilliant fucking move, finding somebody even loonier than he is. Makes him look almost normal by comparison. Well, slightly less unhinged, maybe. Palin is of course a fucking moosehunting creationist glasses-wearing fruitbasket, but you have to admit, she's a fuck of a lot better looking than Biden. Now there's a beauty queen on each ticket. And I fucking LOVE that two years ago she was mayor of a town smaller than a lot of high schools. McPOW has some fucking balls.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Give the moron the Gold for being Olympically shit faced

Yessirree, he sure made us proud. Fuck. We all knew he was back on the sauce but jesus fucking christ, does he have to broadcast it to the fucking world? Is it possible he's gotten even STUPIDER? How is that possible? He is completely out of control, and we've got, what, six months left of this? Oh, mama. Maybe we can sign him up for the Special Olympics. Where he'll be among his own fucking kind. And is that Henry Fucking Kissinger sitting there in front of the Retard? What the fuck?

Monday, August 11, 2008

If Georgia falls, will Alabama be next? Then fucking Scotland?

All I know is things are not going the way I want. First that fucking PooTin starts screwing around down south. What the Commie Fuck does he think he's doing, bombing one of our Confederate states? Is he nuts? WE know we don't give a fuck about those useless fucking states down there, but HE doesn't know that. What if we cared about them? What if we even knew where the fuck Georgia was? We would bang his ass bigtime. So I was out there, protesting, yes, in my kilt, which I sometimes wear, okay? It's NOT a dress, okay? It's a MANLY piece of clothing, which many obviously STRAIGHT men wear all the time, so you can fuck right off. Anyway, there I was, minding my own business, in downtown Georgia, or some fucking place down there, and my secret service guys drift off, or run away, or something--I don't know where the fuck they went, but they were not there when I needed them, OBVIOUSLY. And these unruly murderous RUSSIAN THUGS try to steal my favorite black Prada knapsack, which I WILL NOT let go of, because it was from last season and you can't get them anymore, so they push me BRUTALLY to the ground and RAPE me multiple times RIGHT UP THE ASS. It was unbelievable. That this outrage could happen here, IN AMERICA USA. I blame PooTin, for his attack on a sovereign American state. He must be stopped, and he must be stopped now. By some young black or Puerto Rican people in uniform. They should hunt him down and squash him like an ant. And people who push innocent kilt wearing straight men to the ground and then rape them for hours and hours and hours, must also be punished. I will punish them myself. Bring them to me.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Blabbermouth Solzenitzen dead at 178

Christ, I thought he died years ago. Who knew? And get a load of that beard. Have you ever seen a uglier fucking beard? This jerk was the original tattletale. Blab blab blab. That's all he did. So he did a little hard labor. Oh grow up, pussy. Breaking a couple of rocks never killed anybody. Well, not that many, probably. And did you ever read any of his books? So. Fucking. Boring. You seen one gulag, you seen them all. Know what I mean? Anyway, get this, the guy lives through all this fucking Siberian shit and finally gets to America, and where does he go? Vermont. Can you fucking believe it? Is there anywhere in this fucking country more like Siberia than Vermont? Maybe he felt at home. He probably broke rocks all day up there. When he wasn't blabbing. Good riddance, Big Mouth.
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