Thursday, July 24, 2008

Golden girl, my ass

That lousy Getty bitch, with all that fucking money, never gave us a cent. She should rot in hell. With the rest of those cunts who are probably also dead. Who knows and who the fuck cares. When you have a lot of cash and you don't give it to the Republicanos partitos, then you are a traitoritos, motherfucker. That's how I look at it, and I'm sure, if he had a brain and could actually see anything, it's how DoubleShitforBrains would regard it. I'm sure both of her fans are sad she's finally kicked the bucket, but do I give a fuck about this pathetic old hag? I don't fucking think so.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Only the dead die young

Here's three of my favorite people in the world, all dead. Rocky Bilboa, the fucking Nip genius who invented Benihana, where they kill the fish right in your face. Shit, what could be better than that? It lives, it dies, it fries. Whoa. It's like the fucking cycle of life, for a fish. And there's what's his name, Show, Snow, whatever, that lying guy with cancer who was good looking AND had cancer so he was like the golden spokesmouth for W's administration. How's the press gonna push this guy? He's got fucking cancer, for christ's sake, plus he's cute? Give me a break. What're they gonna say, Hey are you lying, cancer-man? And then there's Tokyo Rose. I think she might not have been on our side, but who the fuck cares any more. Plus she's hot, in that slanty brocade asiany way that I just fucking l-o-v-e. Except maybe this is Vera Wang, who might not be so totally dead. I don't know. They all look the same. Anyway, Sso here they are, all together for the first time, and presto, they're all DEAD. How fucked is that? Dick sad. Dick very sad.

Friday, July 04, 2008

That man was a fucking saint!

He was like a father to me. Or maybe an uncle. I worshipped the ground he walked on, or rolled on, as he did there toward the end. Some people say he was a hateful fear-mongering race-baiting bigot, and I say, yeah? And your point is? Got him elected to the Senate five times, didn't it? He taught me whatever works works. Hey, you hear me, McNutcase? You think this country is ready to elect a black person of color? Nosirree, Sugartits. All you need to do is keep reminding all those idiots who voted for Jesse that Obambi is shhhhhhhhh black. Maybe they'll forget about your wife's beer kazillions, and the fact that you're a fucking retard. Wait a minute, who just died? Jesse or Strom? Maybe it was Strom who was a saint. Jesse, Strom, Strom, Jesse. What the fuck was the difference?
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