Fuck the goddam Supremes
What part of DO WHAT WE SAY don't you understand? Did we pack the goddamn Supreme Court with christless ultra rightwing nutjobs for fucking nothing? Roberts abstains? ABSTAINS??? Is he as stupid as he looks? Or better yet, is he as stupid as Clarence Thomas? Can ANYONE be as stupid as Clarence Thomas? But I digress. So now we have to get rid of that whole fucking Supreme Court branch. Obviously, we can't continue to let them have a voice in anything. They'll just keep fucking it up. Next they'll be wanting to outlaw torture and wiretapping. It's all that Ginzjewburg bitch, screeching and waving her goggle glasses around. She needs a good audit. And shit, what difference does it make? It's not like we're going to listen to them, anyway. You think we're suddenly going to empty out the Gitmo torture chambers? Guess again, Dickwad. Who's gonna make us? The Coalition of the Willing? HA!